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At last ... at last .... moving to Big Island!!

We moved here three years ago. Hubby stayed in soutnern Calif for the first two years and completed his teaching commitment so he could retire in Calif. When he got here he went right back to teadfhing. Salaries for teachers here are so low that his salary plus his retirement is stillless than he made in Calif!!

I am anR?N retired for reasons of health.

We bought a piece of property while still on the mainland. My job was to come over and get a home built. I did this with much learning... often in patience... and it all paid off. We now have a wonderful, albiet not qauite finished, home. WE have attadked the rural life after being in the suburbs for 50 years and are doing fine. We have small beginnings, havi8ng planted a fruit orchard, small green house, moderate garden, pigs goats and most recently sheep. Oh, and tons of free range cickens go with it all.... looks like we havee a bonafide farm on our hands.

We never did anything like this and it is an adventure. We have made wonderful friends here, learned respect for an ancient fulture and this lovely land.

My big advice to you? Remember than you fell in love with this plafe the way it is and do not try to "make it better like it was bafk home". With all it's weird little quirks, we love this place as it is.

Good Luck and Welcome~~ Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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RE: At last ... at last .... moving to Big Island!! - by pslamont - 05-26-2007, 04:52 AM

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