06-04-2007, 05:03 AM
The bus is saving the county $$$ by having it free (they actually have published the #'s & more people riding the bus = less driving = less cars on the road = less demand on road services) this is esp. true for the Hilo/Waikaloa route, can you imagine what that route would have looked like this winter without the increased buses HeleOn added, with the road work to repair the bridges & all?
The county has ordered & will be putting in service more buses this summer. If you live anywhere near a bus, take it. Puna has the most versatility in routes, Starting in early morning & going until late night. Any one that lives along the main routes in Puna should be taking the bus at least part of the time to save gas, that includes all of Hawaiian Shores/Beaches/Rec, Pahoa, SeaView & anyone living within walking distance of 130. (We realized that we could have taken the bus to the full moon kite fly, but the Hubble telescope presentation came up... hope to do it next full moon)
The county has ordered & will be putting in service more buses this summer. If you live anywhere near a bus, take it. Puna has the most versatility in routes, Starting in early morning & going until late night. Any one that lives along the main routes in Puna should be taking the bus at least part of the time to save gas, that includes all of Hawaiian Shores/Beaches/Rec, Pahoa, SeaView & anyone living within walking distance of 130. (We realized that we could have taken the bus to the full moon kite fly, but the Hubble telescope presentation came up... hope to do it next full moon)