07-16-2007, 11:01 PM
My husband and I would be interested in attending. Only thing is our car won't be there yet. PASHA's sailing schedule was delayed and so it won't be there until August 16th. So I don't know yet if we're going to rent a car for the entire 3 weeks we'll be without our car. We may just bike it for a while as we'll be in Hilo. Anyway, that was probably too much info, but we will try to make it and I will keep you posted. We would love to meet new people. We fly in next week! Whew!
Lynn & Bob Timble
P.S. If anyone has a car we could borrow until our car gets here we would really appreciate it. We could negotiate something perhaps.
Lynn & Bob Timble
P.S. If anyone has a car we could borrow until our car gets here we would really appreciate it. We could negotiate something perhaps.