07-17-2007, 04:29 AM
Maybe it'd be better to NOT plant anything. Erect some modern art in the middle of your lot (very heavy & very noisy -like giant wind chimes) and coat it with indelible dye. Anyone who touches it can answer to the local police! Then, after you build (and what will they try to do to the construction in progress at night?), it'll be a clear view at their place & you could keep an eye on them! Get a big dog that barks at strangers, motion detectors attached to a siren, (maybe you'll have to place the dogdirt along the property line) and some of those camo hunting cameras?
Wow, that's some hostile (non-aloha) folks, for sure!
Maybe drop a hint that, when they have to sell their home (since he won't be working), that you're planning to buy it and tear it down - its a blight to your scenery?
Wow, that's some hostile (non-aloha) folks, for sure!
Maybe drop a hint that, when they have to sell their home (since he won't be working), that you're planning to buy it and tear it down - its a blight to your scenery?