07-28-2007, 07:23 AM
Papain is produced from the latex (milky excretion) from green papayas that have been scored. It's worth a try in a pinch if you have a papaya tree.
My mother would always break off a piece of Aloe Vera and rub it on a bee sting. It is so easy to grow and propagate that I always have one growing. The juice gives immediate cooling and it keeps the skin from drying out. The healing and curative properties of Aloe Vera are the stuff of urban legend.
My mother would always break off a piece of Aloe Vera and rub it on a bee sting. It is so easy to grow and propagate that I always have one growing. The juice gives immediate cooling and it keeps the skin from drying out. The healing and curative properties of Aloe Vera are the stuff of urban legend.