08-01-2007, 02:23 AM
As fine as Blind Faith's album was the tour was a moderate disaster. I caught the show in Santa Barbara and the warm up band, Bonnie and Delaney, blew Blind Faith off the stage.
Rob, when you saw Blind Faith in SB was Ginger Baker puking while playing the drums? He was when I saw them, but he was great! Ventura High, hahahahaha!!! I use to live of of 'Seaward Ave',down by the beach early 70's for one or two years. In ending up meeting a bunch of ex Ventura High kids at Chico St. I'm trying to remember two of their names. Tim Theyes[sp], and Gary Elsier[sp] both nice guys in there own rights. Theyes was a "jock", and Gary was into beer & Commander Cody.
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