08-17-2007, 06:23 PM
Yes, the green wood of fruit trees is great for smoking, and I bet guava would be perfect. Just trim some branches and cut them up into 4-6" pieces and put them on your coals. It sounds like your no rookie to smoking, so I doubt I could tell you much you dont already know. I generally make my brines from scratch, and they are never the same twice(i've never been one to write down recipe's), but the base is usually the same: shoyu, garlic, cayenne, brown sugar, a little cidar vinegar. From there it depends on what I'm smoking and the mood I'm in as to what else I throw in the brine. Like if I was smoking chicken I might throw in some fresh mango. Hmmm, now you got me thinking about building that smoker that I've been thinking about for far too long.