08-27-2007, 03:10 PM
Here's what I think...
I think the HSF should come to Hilo instead of Kawaihae.
I think if HSF has to do an EIS than so should Matson, Young Brothers and the Cruise Industry.
You can't make a rule for HSF and exclude everyone else.
According the HSF, it is too rough to traverse channel between Maui and Big island
and it would take much longer to go from HNL-KWHE versus HNL-Hilo
When taxpayer money is used to build
infrastructure for a singular entity, a EA is required to be done. The DOT made abonehead mistake by exempting the HSF from doing a EA. As YB/Matson/NCL never received taxpayer funds to build their their infrastructure.
Edited by - Aaron S on 08/27/2007 19:16:33