08-30-2007, 02:41 AM
Lotus, hang in there and keep positive. We listed home in Massachusetts for past 6 months and just accepted offer! Now we are one more step closer to our home in Pahoa. We have our network of family and friends on the BI to support our home as we rent it. There are a few web based vacation rental sites that you can post on to rent. We have done so for two years and had very good luck. Pricing is key to succesful occupancy.
Great advise to get a property manager if you are inexperienced in that field. *Be positive* your house will sell! We are lucky, but...(always a but)...now we have to wait out the cold winter here anyway (renting a place) due to job committments. Hubby just started a full time job after being layed off for 6 months! See? things are getting better every day....
We will be in Pahoa in November puttering around home! for a few weeks. Would hope to meet some Punatics while there. Much Aloha
Great advise to get a property manager if you are inexperienced in that field. *Be positive* your house will sell! We are lucky, but...(always a but)...now we have to wait out the cold winter here anyway (renting a place) due to job committments. Hubby just started a full time job after being layed off for 6 months! See? things are getting better every day....

"To err is human, to forgive divine"
"To err is human, to forgive divine"