08-31-2007, 05:35 AM
We need to keep watch for people deliberately spreading coqui frogs. In your neighborhood generally you know the cars that go through there. If you see an unfamiliar car parked in an odd location, write down the license plate number and make a note of what type and color of car it is, make a note of the people in it, too, if you can. Check back and if in a day or two you hear frogs there and there weren't any there before, report the license plate and description of the car to the police department and the Department of Agriculture and call 974-4000 ext. 67378.
If you don't happen to have paper and pen with you when you see the car, send a text message and take picture with your phone. If you see them releasing coqui, call the police immediately.
Transporting, harboring or importing coqui frogs with the intent to propagate, sell or release is a class C felony and subject to a MINIMUM fine of $50,000 and a maximum fine of $200,000 plus 3 years in jail.
Coqui frogs on their own will only expand their territory by 200 meters a year or so (I'm not sure of the exact number, but under a quarter mile). We are finding frogs in an area where they couldn't have dropped off of a vehicle or been brought in on a plant AND where an unknown car had been seen several nights before.
The police have told us to watch and write down the license plate numbers, you may want to do the same in your neighborhood.
For more information online:
I think it's terrible that people would do such a deed. But what would compel an individual to do such a thing?
On the other hand, I'm lost why people can't get use to these creatures living on their property?
The problem I have with calling the police everytime a strange car in in your hood is kinda crazy. I'm one of those guys who drive around other people's neighborhoods. I do it to check out people's landscaped yards for ideas for my place. I'd hate to think I'm gonna get hassled for doing this!
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