09-06-2007, 02:21 PM
I find it disturbing that the Government would send men and women rappelling on to private property with or without probable cause to seize marijuana and that it spends so many millions on the task. It might bring me some comfort if I could be assured that the alleged contraband won't be repackaged and sold in another part of the world to fund activities that have not been sanctioned by Congress, but I doubt I will get any such assurances.
Our Government has lost all sense of reason and proportion. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. On the other hand, black helicopters flying over private property with officers rappelling military style is very harmful, as it is an assault on our right to privacy, quiet enjoyment of our property, and our liberty.
Apparently, though, they think the "surge" is working and that marijuana can and will be eradicated from the face of the earth, despite the demand for it. This contradicts their blind faith in the laws of supply and demand, but they don't perceive the contradiction and insist on supplying something (enforcement) for which the only demand is from those who have a vested interest in continuing this expensive folly.
There is no stopping this war, sadly, as it is now driven by billions of dollars. At the local level, it is great that we have ceased cooperating. However, I think we can expect that the DEA will redouble its efforts and will retaliate for political non-cooperation by turning Puna, and other parts of the Island into a rappelling practice zone.
By the way, Mr. Hoffman, if you are contemptuous of the public's right to attend a meeting ("I don't know why the hell you are here", you undermine the very right you purport to protect ("Hoffmann added that he spent 28 years protecting the public's right to testify".
And, Mr. Hoffman, thank you for your military service, but absolutely nothing you did in the military over the past 28 years protected the public's right to testify. Neither the public's right to testify nor any of our other civil rights has been seriously imperiled by any foreign power at any time during your service. All threats to our civil liberties have been from within, mostly by self important civil servants who have forgotten who they serve, and that they must serve them civilly.
Our Government has lost all sense of reason and proportion. Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. On the other hand, black helicopters flying over private property with officers rappelling military style is very harmful, as it is an assault on our right to privacy, quiet enjoyment of our property, and our liberty.
Apparently, though, they think the "surge" is working and that marijuana can and will be eradicated from the face of the earth, despite the demand for it. This contradicts their blind faith in the laws of supply and demand, but they don't perceive the contradiction and insist on supplying something (enforcement) for which the only demand is from those who have a vested interest in continuing this expensive folly.
There is no stopping this war, sadly, as it is now driven by billions of dollars. At the local level, it is great that we have ceased cooperating. However, I think we can expect that the DEA will redouble its efforts and will retaliate for political non-cooperation by turning Puna, and other parts of the Island into a rappelling practice zone.
By the way, Mr. Hoffman, if you are contemptuous of the public's right to attend a meeting ("I don't know why the hell you are here", you undermine the very right you purport to protect ("Hoffmann added that he spent 28 years protecting the public's right to testify".
And, Mr. Hoffman, thank you for your military service, but absolutely nothing you did in the military over the past 28 years protected the public's right to testify. Neither the public's right to testify nor any of our other civil rights has been seriously imperiled by any foreign power at any time during your service. All threats to our civil liberties have been from within, mostly by self important civil servants who have forgotten who they serve, and that they must serve them civilly.