09-07-2007, 06:52 AM
Thanks so much to everyone for your wonderful advice and thougtful answers! Beachboy and Glen, thanks especially for your words of caution. This time I won't be going alone, but I do enjoy solo travel and I know it's always good to keep safety in mind. The drowning map was also good to see, if grim. I've learned never to underestimate the Hawaiian ocean, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. The numerous drownings at our own Kehena testify to that fact. I did a little internet search and found something very scary indeed on Kaua'i - Bette Midler - tree slayer! I always liked Ms. Bette, until I found out the state is suing her over clear cutting 270 trees from her property without a permit. I guess a lot of them were alien species but there was some native forest in there too. Ouch! Maybe they should include a map to her place in the next blue book. (I'll steal a look at Borders!;>)
So now I have good grip on where to go for all kinds of things and the picture I'm putting together from everyone's responses seems to include golden sunsets and frosty Mai Tai's. Aaah! (I'll keep an eye on that Brazilian waiter!)
So now I have good grip on where to go for all kinds of things and the picture I'm putting together from everyone's responses seems to include golden sunsets and frosty Mai Tai's. Aaah! (I'll keep an eye on that Brazilian waiter!)
Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design
Native Landscape Design