09-21-2007, 02:57 AM
I guess you like paying 50.00 for shorts?
Ha! No dear. Truth be told, I don't like spending money on clothes at all (she says while prancing around in a pair of old cut-offs she's been wearing for ...geee...the last 31 years).
I may not always sport the week's latest trend, and I'll admit it: on the few occasions I break down and buy "necessities," I may on occasion overspend. However my ridiculous tight-fistedness in regards to my personal needs allows me to travel the world (including three trips to China in the last couple years. Ha!), give a bunch away, and save a bunch. All on a tiny salary.
I dunno. Just a priority thing with me. I like an uncluttered home, a head-full of experiences, and money in the bank.
Not that my way's the only way, of course. Other folks have other priorities. For those that like a lot of stuff, need alot of stuff, maybe more and more and more and more and more stores are the answer.