09-22-2007, 03:16 AM
Last year rumor mill was costco!!! hahaha sigh... I can't wait to hear about the rumors this year...
Here's the site for Ulupono Town Center.
Can't put a Costco on two 50,000 square foot lots. Anywho...
Back to original thread. I'm not sure why our legislatures are WASTING THEIR TIME AND OUR MONEY with a ban like this one. It doesn't effect Super-Wal-Mart because they're going to build on DHHL.
Ok...so? We're on an island in the middle of the Pacific. That doesn't mean that we should block mainland businesses, regardless of footprint, who want to come here and provide the types of services that exist on the mainland.
Our legislatures should, however, spend their time and our money making sure that if these companies have a vested interest in the Big Island then they need to put land/road improvement $$ in escrow.
(Getting down from the soapbox once again!)
"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"