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Need some one to pound holes in lava
Busting a hole in the ground and planting a tree in it is the traditional way of planting in puna. Some large field owners simply hire a dozer to rip lines in the field instead on digging individual holes. And there are plus sides to having a D9 come. You will have better drainage, places to plant trees, and all invasive plants are destoyed and then can be replaced with natives. Not to mention flat, usable land. There is nothing wrong with dozing an albizia lot, usually the native trees (ohi'a) are already dead. There are some lots like mine that have large and rare native trees that should not be bulldozed. I intend to make the lot as usable as posible while preseving the maximum amount of large trees. Every lot is unique.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond

Messages In This Thread
Need some one to pound holes in lava - by Larry T - 09-18-2007, 03:17 AM
RE: Need some one to pound holes in lava - by Daniel - 09-23-2007, 03:04 PM

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