10-24-2007, 11:32 AM
Nalu, I got the info from the Calendar section of Sat. Paper, in the "Just for Keiki" heading (Unfortunately the calendar section is NOT on their online version), so I am editing this (Can't type well, & it's long...)
'Night in the Pumpkin Patch' at Afook Chinen Civic Center (this is on Manono, just north, makai, of Pi'ilani)
The Parks & Rec. Dept with the Hilo Jaycees & Key Clubs of Hilo and Waikea High, present 'Night in the Pumkin Patch' for preschoolers - 8th graders. Carnival games, haunted house, pumkin decorating, keiki ID's, costume contest with 'Most Original' and 'Spookiest' catagories. All costumes should be made at home & brought to the Butler Building no later that 5pm, contest starts at 6. Age div: 6 and under, 7-10, 11-13
Contact Ronald Takeya 961-8733 email: rtakeya@hawaii.rr.com
Edited by - carey on 10/24/2007 15:37:58
'Night in the Pumpkin Patch' at Afook Chinen Civic Center (this is on Manono, just north, makai, of Pi'ilani)
The Parks & Rec. Dept with the Hilo Jaycees & Key Clubs of Hilo and Waikea High, present 'Night in the Pumkin Patch' for preschoolers - 8th graders. Carnival games, haunted house, pumkin decorating, keiki ID's, costume contest with 'Most Original' and 'Spookiest' catagories. All costumes should be made at home & brought to the Butler Building no later that 5pm, contest starts at 6. Age div: 6 and under, 7-10, 11-13
Contact Ronald Takeya 961-8733 email: rtakeya@hawaii.rr.com
Edited by - carey on 10/24/2007 15:37:58