10-30-2007, 02:13 AM
... a private cesspool set up to serve a household of 2-4 people is not adequate to serve the 8-15 listed in the vacation rentals. That level of raw sewage seepage multiplied several times (50? 75? 100?)over for each vacation rental and I think that people swimming at the Pond with rent-a-luas available becomes a non-issue. Unless you have your vacation rental business to protect and need to keep all other people out of "your" Pond.
I agree! If you buy a house in Kapoho (beach lots, Vacationland or I think Farm lots too), you should be prepared to replace the antiquated cesspool with a updated wastewater system. Then and only then, can you open your mouth and whine about "them" - them being the tourists, the locals with 4WD's or Kapohokine's group.
Edited by - kapohocat on 10/30/2007 06:21:00