10-31-2007, 07:38 AM
Regarding cesspools - No phase out. If they are a negative contributing factor why are they getting a special break? If that's the case, I assume it's equally alright for the person who was peeing and pooping in the pond long before anyone had any concerns because their peeing and pooping started before some selected date in time. Sounds stupid when put that way but isn't that what's being said? I'm sure nobody is saying that they have a right to pollute and destroy a natural area because their pollution and destruction is grandfathered.
No! That is not what I meant.
The area I am speaking of has been dealing with cesspools for a very, very long time. If there is ANY indication of pollution from ANY type of waste diposal system - cesspool or septic - the property is condemmed/redflagged until the system is upgraded if a cesspool or repaired properly if septic. The county goes even beyond that if the failed system does not meet the CURRENT setback requirements and the property does not have adequate square footage for a proper leach field for CURRENT standards - the property is condemmed/redflagged. Yes - it would be better to force EVERYONE to comply at ONCE - instead of waiting for a failure or indication of under performance - but the lawsuits would stop the process cold. The government needs a verifiable reason - TESTS, ETC. - before they can condemn someones HOME leaving them with a worthless piece of S--T property.
Joey "O"