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The Many Uses of Ulu (Bread Fruit)
Mahalo cat for the url for ulu. Ulu are very scial plants jane ... it's hard to explain ... they are like people in a way and have a vibration. each time I have a volunteer come up it's transplanted into a one gallon pot and then sits for a year and gos out into the community. I can't bare to sell them, they're like my little kids and I'm compelled to send them on their way and I even worry about them once they are gone. Very tender plants too and must be transplanted very carefully and best done in the winter when it's cool. I have sever trees right now which are just 'dripping' ulu onto the ground and the fruit quickly decomposes and starts the cycle again. Today I baked a loaf of ulu bread which I adore and I'm getting a culture of sour dough ready to bake sour dough ulu bread for Thanksgiving. I'll add the recepe for it to this thread later for anyone who wants to try it.


Messages In This Thread
The Many Uses of Ulu (Bread Fruit) - by JayJay - 11-15-2007, 04:53 AM
RE: The Many Uses of Ulu (Bread Fruit) - by JayJay - 11-17-2007, 09:36 PM
RE: The Many Uses of Ulu (Bread Fruit) - by wyatt - 11-18-2007, 03:15 AM

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