11-18-2007, 04:26 AM
Back on topic ... keep the albezia out, don't allow your neighbors to let their albezia or miconia drape or droop over your property line and try to educate them ... and you subdivision if applicable, on the exigency of removing these plants for the common good. Once the Albezia are irradicated you must go through your lot(s) periodically and pull up the young plants which have grown by air-borne seeding before they become established and at that point you can actually begin to take on the other minor problems like mimosa pudica, cain grass, say grass, the carpeting weed with the yellow flower (I've forgotton the name but mysister knows it and I'll get it from her and post it), these things can all be handled ... my point is Albezia and Miconia first and then I'll get into how to create a garden which has very few weeds and requires ziltch fertilization and best of all will provide food and enjoyment and better health year round.
Edited by - JayJay on 11/18/2007 01:06:58
Edited by - JayJay on 11/18/2007 01:18:29
my house is surrounded by Albezia Trees! As beautiful as they are...they must come down! I also have these trees hanging over my house & property from neighbor's undeveloped lot. I actually wrote a letter to one of the owners(Hui, three owners two lots) of their lots. But my letter fell on deaf ears, or blind eyes...however you wanna spin it. I never got a reply and that was four months ago. I told them I was afraid that one of their trees could fall on my kids, or worse go through my roof! I'm kinda pissed just thinking about it, wish I had a "phatty" to calm me down..
Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...
Edited by - beachboy on 11/19/2007 06:35:00
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