11-19-2007, 02:12 PM
There are many examples of successful illegal dumping enforcement that you may want to propose to the State or County.
First there are two things that you must research.
1. You'll be surprised how many areas where dumping vegetative or soil isn't considered illegal dumping on vacant, unfenced or non-posted properties.
2. Even when it's fenced or posted, the law may require that the owner has to file a complaint otherwise what's to say the dumpers didn't have permission?
This only applies to items allowed to be dumped on private property, not stuff like cars, old washers, or construction material. I also believe public property doesn't require owner complaints.
Once that's researched, many comminutes have what is called a "Bounty Programs". Whenever someone observes illegal dumping, they fill out a complaint form, (has to testify if required) and if the person is found guilty, the citizen gets as much as 50% of the fine. The best source for information on this program is the NYC Sanitation Illegal Dumping Task Force. They have the most successful program that I found.
First there are two things that you must research.
1. You'll be surprised how many areas where dumping vegetative or soil isn't considered illegal dumping on vacant, unfenced or non-posted properties.
2. Even when it's fenced or posted, the law may require that the owner has to file a complaint otherwise what's to say the dumpers didn't have permission?
This only applies to items allowed to be dumped on private property, not stuff like cars, old washers, or construction material. I also believe public property doesn't require owner complaints.
Once that's researched, many comminutes have what is called a "Bounty Programs". Whenever someone observes illegal dumping, they fill out a complaint form, (has to testify if required) and if the person is found guilty, the citizen gets as much as 50% of the fine. The best source for information on this program is the NYC Sanitation Illegal Dumping Task Force. They have the most successful program that I found.