12-05-2007, 08:22 AM
Good morning everyone;
Thanks for your comments. I have worked with the flight staff over the last week with regards to the altitudes we use between the airport and the Forest Reserve. I have been flying in Hilo to evaluate some other options that might work for us. There are areas that due to past efforts have been not been included as possible alternatives. I am rethinking some of them under certian conditions. It seems that there might be an altuiude threshold that we can work with to open up some extra airspace. I have instructed the pilots adjust the climb rates out of the airport when weather conditions permit. The idea would be to fly whatever route allows for the highest altitude until decent can be made in unpopulated areas.
It will take a week or so to get everyone on board as the pilots rotate through their shifts. I would appreciate you comments as to whether or not you notice any improvement.
Thanks for your comments. I have worked with the flight staff over the last week with regards to the altitudes we use between the airport and the Forest Reserve. I have been flying in Hilo to evaluate some other options that might work for us. There are areas that due to past efforts have been not been included as possible alternatives. I am rethinking some of them under certian conditions. It seems that there might be an altuiude threshold that we can work with to open up some extra airspace. I have instructed the pilots adjust the climb rates out of the airport when weather conditions permit. The idea would be to fly whatever route allows for the highest altitude until decent can be made in unpopulated areas.
It will take a week or so to get everyone on board as the pilots rotate through their shifts. I would appreciate you comments as to whether or not you notice any improvement.