12-13-2007, 01:14 PM
You can be a believer in Aquaculture anywhere in the world.
Not with a waste incinerator
Aaron you keep mentioning these 30 companies that may be effected.
If you bothered to look at the link I showed you, you'd find this.
Do you have any data on where most of the Employees of these companies have come from?
You can always e-mail ronb (at) nelha.org if
you want to know.
Another question? Would you move if the place went up? Or would eventually grow to accept it as part of your life.
I can't move because its way to expensive to
move anywhere else here in Kona.
There is no way I can accept this facility being built at this location.
You keep mentioning the eyesore that it might be for the Airport. Do you realize how close the Landfill in Hilo is to their Airport?
I've been over to Hilo many times. Never once I've seen the landfill from the airport.
If this facility gets built, it will be exposed to everyone driving on Queen Kaahumanu and flying into the airport. Not a good first impression for Kona.
I encourage you to visit NELHA. Then you'll better understand why this a poor location.