12-28-2007, 05:07 PM
In the early 70s,people did complain in volcano to fern forest. The overflights were old noisy tour planes, fully loaded aand very low. Momentum was picking up on the issue, when some genius in the back of ff put a bunch off 22cal holes in the belly of a US geodetic survey mapping aircraft flying a grid for volcano research. Any hotdogging is by pilots trying to give the best tour. The only way to keep them in check would be by enforcing airroutes and requiring elevation controls by direction. I think a controlled pattern would be easier to demand than a complete ban, potentially killing a very lucrative trade, which would put the entire gov,city&state aagainst you. The tours would still be spectacular, and safer. I think the safety issue would be the best. Also, to estimate altitude, what is the highest a weather baloon could legally fly from our property? If say 300 feet, figure out how to estimate with some accuracy his altitude, and record it. Station say 10 of these from volcano to keeau, If it appears to the pilots that they are actually being recorded the might think twice. Actual accuracy wouldn't be the key, the perception of the pilot is what would matter. This wouldn't cost squat(mabe 10bucks each with reusable balloons). Plus now the tourists will be going home with pictures of balloons in Puna, and then the question of why,and with 100 from kapoho to keaau to volcano, the press will want to know why, and now someone will listen.
Gordon J Tilley