01-04-2008, 09:15 AM
If you read the entire thread some of your questions will be answered.As far as a bunch of newbies,well,you are far from the truth on that one.AGAIN,I have been here almost 30 years,yep,guess I am a newbie,if you have a very askew definition.Other Board memebers have been here 30 and 50 years,so,whatever.And by the way,the property tax base is far greater than the taxes collected from the air tour industry.A commercial for profit venture can not abergate the rights of citizens to enjoy their properties and serenity[I guess you don't care about civil liberities?]Also,we do not want to ban all flights,just those over the VNP and sacred sites,on the Big Island.[By the way there are 2 million visitors to VNP every year,with 24,500 air tours.Also,air tours are not a part of the natural Park experience.Also many complaints come from park goers who get disturbed by them.Also,the parks are there to preserve the widlife and natural park environment,where air tours are not suppose to fly unless they obtain permits.The amount of permits issued are unreasonable.I personally have seen distrupted hunting patterns by the overflights to the hawaiian hawk.I guess they don't count in your book,huh?]We aren't after Haleakala, Maui,their biggest operation here in Hawaii. There are already laws exisitng to enforce noise,saftey etc...Air tours were banned from Rocky Mountain National Park in 1996 when 26 people were killed in a mid air collission.I guess deaths don't matter to you either?The statistics show approximately a crash a month.We would love for the air tour companies to stay in a selected corridor,but no one seems to know where the Nelson corridor is,and they wouldn't stay in it anyway,or they would be doing it now.The FAA told me I was a mile from the corridor,and I am in Fern Forest on the last road.So,if you opt for the "pretty view syndrome" go ahead,but don't think you are going to bully and name call to stop our agenda.It is obvious you don't have the problems that alot of us are experienceing or you would be singing a different tune.Get your facts straight.Be sympathetic to those people experienceing problems,many have severe terminal illnesses,just as a good neighbor.By the way,the last two nights they have been flying past 8pm.,and started today before 8am.The night before last ,an aircraft came so low,at night over me,that I literally woke up thinking I was under attack.I almost ran outside my door wiaitng for a bomb to drop.Then I realized it was just an aircraft.It woke me up out my sleep.So,you can disagree.By the way,since you don't mind all the air traffic,where do you live so I can tell em to fly there instead!!!!!!!!!!!
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