01-07-2008, 12:36 PM
We started curbside recycling here much like Lee described.Plastics,paper,cans,glass,cardboard and one bucket allowed for garbage. It is a rather large initial investment in equipment to pick this up but the rate of recycling has skyrocketed because it is so easy to do. I know the city pays by the ton to dispose of waste and the cost has gone down significantly with recycling,less stuff needs to be incinerated or sent to landfill. We also pay a 5cent deposit on bottles.My daughter actually picks up bottles from people she knows who dont want to be bothered and she has quite a few on her little route now,enough to pay for her gas for a couple of weeks a month. Not too bad,also we use bottle drives here for animal shelters and such. People are much more willing to do something new if it is made easy for them so maybe it is a good start.