01-08-2008, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Damon
I'm not against curbside recycling. What I am against is the State double dipping and charging us twice for things.
According to this file the unredeemed deposits are suppose to pay for the recycling program.
What does HI-5 have to do with the cost of providing curbside recycling? HI-5 unredeemed deposits is to pay for the operation of the HI-5 program, not for implementing island wide recycling, or did I read the state law wrong? This is nothing new; bottle deposits are common in many places. Bottle deposits and curbside recycling are two separate issues. If the bottle deposit program is bad due to the loopholes for redemptions, that's one thing. But is shouldn't have any bearing on curbside or other mandatory recycling programs for all other material.