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Plan Pacific's "PreDraft" recommendations for Puna
Is this report written in legaleze, would it be understood by the average local person or any citizen including myself with not necessarily a degree. And the people who spend 12 hours a day working, can they make the meetings.

There should be an online webpage, with the whole report indexed to regional plans, so you don't need to read the whole thing to find the 2 pages that mention your place will be condemned for a transer station. Plus index of when the hearings will diectly affect you, and you should have priority at that meeting, at least you'd know just why you're there and they know who they're talking to, victims or beneficiaries.

Is oahu the example we want to follow?
Gordon J Tilley

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RE: Plan Pacific's "PreDraft" recommendations for Puna - by gtill - 01-18-2008, 07:28 PM

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