01-28-2008, 02:52 PM
OTEC was first accomplished at NELHA facility in Kona. That deep sea pipe everyone is scamming at taxpayers expense, was made by the State! And it did work(produced electricity), but it biofouled and slowly broke down. In front of many idiot professors with their heads up their A,,,'s, decided to forget what the taxpayers paid for, and give their budding oean studies a scam to grow fish, limu, abalone, expensive water, whatever they could suck on. As usual since no private outfit could take the whole thing over like geothermal, the state keeps on paying, even now when the pipe cracks who fixes it and for what? There have been many scams and bankrupcies among those co's over the years, huge losses for state citizens who bought their crap!
Rejuvinate the place when you can make energy, as originally intended, and let the developers set the rules for who stays there.
Anyone who thinks some big oceangoing monster as pictured is nuts! This ocean would eat that toy for lunch!
Rejuvinate the place when you can make energy, as originally intended, and let the developers set the rules for who stays there.
Anyone who thinks some big oceangoing monster as pictured is nuts! This ocean would eat that toy for lunch!
Gordon J Tilley