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Another big hit to our Big Island economy!
Growing crops in hawaii, although it looks so easy, there are so many problems with bugs, rot flooding etc, and with the restrictions on spraying and other necessary controls on growing, food cropping is nearly impossible(or it would be common)!

The new population is why there is no more ag. Burning cane killed that industry(and removed most of the local population in the process).

Dairy was killed by a heptaclor in milk scare(from cows eating tainted pineapple tops). And chickens were gradually killed off by nighborhood complaints about noise or smells. Blame yourslves for the demise of ag,it was here till the 1960s invasion, when the newcomers decided how they wanted things (which we live with now)! Just like LA,which is why Kona still thrives(homegrown smog)!
Gordon J Tilley

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RE: Another big hit to our Big Island economy! - by gtill - 02-15-2008, 10:05 AM
RE: Another big hit to our Big Island economy! - by Guest - 07-19-2008, 12:58 PM

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