02-16-2008, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by robguz...Buyer beware!
Why dont you try getting ahold of Kahuna Scott and see if he can work some magic - he may know the right buttons to press?
Also having seen your footings and the issues presented the day I was there - it may be that the calcs were incorrect on the quantity needed.
You can actually take the weight and figure out the volume of cement you got and hey if the math doesnt work out then - contact them - what I could find is 1 cubic foot of cement (.037 CY)= 145 lbs. So if I do this math correctly .... 1 CY is 27 CF = So a full truck at 10 yards = 27 x 145 x 10 = 39150 lbs. So you could divide it backwards - (Truck weight) divided by (27 x 145) = # of yards
(By truck weight I mean the difference in weight between empty truck and full truck).
And IMHO, I would have to not agree - Con-Ag (especially Max & Riordan there) have been incredible - SB probably averages 600-800 yards a year (which is small potatoes) from them. One disagreement with a driver and Riordan/Max took care of it - issuing a fairly substantial credit.
I do have to say though - this is like P&P versus slab. There are people who only use Glover, and people who only use Con-Ag.... us we just use who ever has a pour date on a sunny day.
Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management
808 965-9261
"We help make building your dream home a reality"