02-23-2008, 02:35 PM
Quick question...have you ever lived off-grid before? This area is definitely not your typical subdivision-with-services kind of place. A while back I attended a public meeting with the County on the subject of paving all or part of Govt.Beach Rd. Residents were allowed to give testimony, and an overwhelming number said they were against paving the road, believing that it would negatively impact their off-grid, rural way of life. The few people who were for paving stated that they were tired of having to repair their vehicles and wanted better access for emergency services. It looks like the non-pavers won out. Often I think the beauty of remote areas strikes a chord with folks and they move in without really thinking about how it is to be off-grid (without much power when it rains for 6 weeks straight) and a long, bumpy drive to the nearest anything for sale. This is definitely the kind of place where you would want to know and get along with your neighbors - (triple A might take days to get there for that jump start!) This part of Puna is really country and the people there seem to like it that way. There was a good thread about Wa'a wa'a a while back in which someone was considering buying a house there. A lot of good info in that one. Just my thoughts...
Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design
Native Landscape Design