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HPP General Memebership Meeting 2/24
Well, I just got home from the meeting. (Good to see ya, Scott. Sorry you guys didn't get to suggest alternatives.)

It seems the paving bids came in at $280,000 per mile, which is 40% over the last quoted estimate and will result in fewer miles being done. They are still planning to do 22nd first, followed by 16th, Beach and improvements to the lower parts of the roads leading up to the highway. If there is any money left after all that, they will do some more cross roads. A homeowner suggested using some of the bond money to improve the roads not being paved, but we were told that is strictly against the terms of the bond contracts. Somewhat to my dismay, the chairman of the Board cut off discussion on the road situation before everyone had a chance to ask questions. Comments were allowed at the end of the meeting, however, but no more questions.

As far as off-island representation and participation goes, you have to be in attendance to participate in General Membership meetings. Renters are not allowed to participate. Board elections and major matters such as the bond issue are voted on by mail, so any lot or home owner anywhere can participate on that level. Of course a LOT of people think the bond election was something of a farce, given the limited amount of paving now to be done vs. what we were led to believe back then.

On a positive note, the Association Park Committee is in serious negotiations with the County to convert the 20 acre parcel at the corner of 15-16th and Makuu into a fully equipped county park. The Association will deed them the land in return for a community steering committee with a lot of influence over the planning, construction, and operation of the park. Money for an environmental assessment has apparently already been appropriated. They are talking about putting in ball fields, children's playgrounds, a gym, and swimming pool. Of course it may be 2030 by the time they appropriate the money to build any or all that. (Sorry, my cynical side just jumped out.)


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RE: HPP General Memebership Meeting 2/24 - by JerryCarr - 02-24-2008, 02:46 PM

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