03-08-2008, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Rob Tucker
I am a distributor for a number of alternative building materials and can direct you to my web site for more info. http://www.castleblock.com or you can call at your convenience - 965-1555.
We are fairly sure that we will be going the castleblock way when we finally get around to building. Woodless homes stop termites cold.
Rob, what kind of facings have your clients used to make the Rastra panels you distrubte attractive? (http://www.castleblock.com/rastra.html)
Can you attach faux stone to it? Do they apply a stucco material to it? Is wood ever used in non-structural elements to make the look warmer and more traditional?
Finally, is there any chance that we can get you to share some pictures of castleblock homes built in Hawaii so that we can see what others have done with these amazing products?