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Home-made bread in a Dutch oven...
I hemmed and hawed about it and finally decided to bring my favorite 2 pieces of cast iron when we moved over- a dutch oven and a round griddle. I was worried that they might rust, but since I use them everyday and keep them well-seasoned, there has been no problem. I'll be retrieving my fry pans next time.

A long, long time ago (in a country far, far away) I was a camp cook for a tree-planting crew. I used the dutch ovens over (and in) a campfire, 3 meals a day. I LOVE dutch oven cooking! I never made actual loaves of bread, though I have made rolls, biscuits, etc. I think I'll try a loaf sometime, I bet it would come out good. I'd probably just use my basic bread recipe - no reason to change what already works! ;-)

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Home-made bread in a Dutch oven... - by Carey - 03-11-2008, 02:03 PM
RE: Home-made bread in a Dutch oven... - by Carey - 03-11-2008, 04:11 PM
RE: Home-made bread in a Dutch oven... - by Liz - 03-12-2008, 04:26 AM

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