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I predict that it is not going to get cheaper...
Great topic Nancy, It seems the main reason prices are going so high is from speculators jumping into the market pushing prices higher,So it will probably bust just like the housing market did [we hope]
(sorry Farmers u were probably just breaking even)But until then everybody plant wheat and soy![:p]

From what I can tell I'm paying 30% more for gas,groceries and electric, Thats a heck of a jump in such a short time.[:0]

Does anyone have any luck/advice growing veggies in a pot?
Putting in a garden or pulling weeds in the old one is just to much work right now.

Hey Daniel let me know when you'll work on credit and/or when prices come down to 2001 kine.

Somebody defiantly needs to lobby HELCO to lower their rates! Holy Cow they are out of control and they are doing their best to squelch solar options/programs for residents.

A park and ride lot would be nice.
If elected for Mayor Billy Kenoi wants to vastly expand on the free bus service[Big Grin]

For me right now it would take money to be able to save money so I'm stuck in a hard place[B)] But if anybody has a lead on a cheap propane dryer I'd appreciate it![:p]

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RE: I predict that it is not going to get cheaper... - by Punamom - 03-12-2008, 06:57 PM

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