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I predict that it is not going to get cheaper...
Interesting corrillary, when you look at the NOAA Mauna Loa data, there are 2 times that CO2 had mini dips, during the oil embargo in the 70's & market downturn in 80's...

We, in the U.S. can reduce our oil consumption to the point where it is globally visible...
We, in the U.S. just do not yet see a need to....yet.

I may be the only one out there old enough to remember, but during the oil embargo gas was higher, in adjusted price, than it is today... It was actually more per gallon than the minimum wage.... & before the embargo it was just a little over 1/2 minimum we have a ways to go before we are paying extreme amounts for gasoline... Most of the rest of the world pays more than their minimum wage for a gallon of gas. Sorry, just had to give a little reality check for everyone complaining... (I remember this because I was in college, an intern earning close to minimum & the gas prices soared.... conservation was learned by almost everyone overnight...)

We all have a choice, conserve now & have oil for a while longer, or keep buying it up & forcing the depletion of the resource that much quicker... Your choice on where and how you leave is your choice....include your impact on the environment... transportation is one of our greatest impacts... we are burning thousands of years of carbon sequestoring a year in transportation. The farther away you live, the more you travel in your own vehicle, the bigger your footprint. A busload of people gets over 15 times more fuel mileage than a Prius... every mile you don't drive your car counts.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I predict that it is not going to get cheaper... - by Carey - 03-14-2008, 02:45 PM

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