03-16-2008, 07:26 AM
There is another kicker in the mix. Louisiana has a relatively high $75,000 homestead exemption. Therefore, the only tax I pay is $32 for the local fire district assessment, which is treated differently.
But we have a sales tax of around 9%.
Baton Rouge, LA & HPP
There is another kicker in the mix. Louisiana has a relatively high $75,000 homestead exemption. Therefore, the only tax I pay is $32 for the local fire district assessment, which is treated differently.
But we have a sales tax of around 9%.
Best and Worst States[/url]: Based on data from the 2005 American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, the following five states have the lowest median real estate taxes per $1,000 of value. They are Louisiana ($1.72), Hawaii ($2.04), Alabama ($3.10), District of Columbia ($3.76), and Delaware ($3.95). The states with the highest median real estate taxes are Wisconsin ($18.20), Texas ($18.17), Nebraska ($16.69), Vermont ($16.35), and New Hampshire ($16.33).
Baton Rouge, LA & HPP
Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP