03-24-2008, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by StillHope
Yurt construction-it's like a mine field.No real information available.
Someone can hurt himself financially big time.And the idea is always appealing to those,who are far from being reach.
Must... resist... ah, can't do it...
Still spending so much time putting yurts down... I'm glad you all are still talking about them though.
Mine field? Yurt construction? Hardly... the building department can answer questions if you want it straight from the horse's (uh-oh, I guess I joined the party after all...) mouth and I'm happy to give you names of plenty of builders and contractors who have experience with them. Financing and lending for construction? Yes, it seems the options are quite limited there, that's a shame. With the exception of funding it yourself or getting a personal loan, I vested some time recently researching the options locally. That's a downfall for many, but the cost does remain low in comparison to the majority of the houses going up these days. Is it the cheapest? Of course not, it seems things can always be done cheaper. Is it a much more affordable than most houses? YES. Is it a more beautiful space than most houses for the cost (and aside from the cost for that matter)? Absolutely! (My opinion, here's a great link to see... http://www.coloradoyurt.com/photos/photo.../index.php
way cool...)
Insurance is an area that should definitely be researched when dealing with any alternative style house, I think most would agree.
Hey lostboy, try this perhaps... google "Big Island yurt rentals". You'll find people with plenty of information on living in a yurt, tell them why you're calling and see what they say. I imagine they'll give you the good, bad and otherwise. StillHope, I'm considering hiring you, you put so much time into this, if I got you going in the right direction I could take some major time off!! You'll be needing a job, right? Wouldn't that be a kicker... (Don't launch artillery at me for that one, please... Peace, love and happiness...)
A hui ho~
Melissa Fletcher
Yurts of Hawaii,LLC
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973