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Yurts information ,free of "personal" stuff
Originally posted by Kapohocat

For the sake of peace, let me add my two cents. No matter what you do, when you wade into unfamilar territory - such as building - it is scary. And it is hard to know who to believe or take advice from.

As an example, you outta see me in the kitchen. I dont cook - I have no talent in that respect. I have 12 cookbooks out with the same dish, SB telling me what the dish is missing, and 3 friends giving advice.... and this is just a simple Tikka Marsala - Indian peasant food! And one glass of wine to calm my nerves!

It must be terrifing to think about building and being a novice. Tikka Marsala - cost $40 for 6. Small house - $100K.....

Right KopohoCat, a healthy amount of fear (or concern) serves as a safety feature for many people starting to build. Self preservation! It's the fuel for energy to do the research and ask necessary questions. An informed person is best not only when hiring someone to help professionally, but also as a client for any business. Do the work to know what you're getting into and when you have you can move ahead more confidently and aware of the challenges.

Stillhope, thank you for your explanation. Just glad we cleared up the miscommunications.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

Messages In This Thread
RE: Yurts information ,free of "personal" stuff - by Guest - 03-14-2008, 11:59 AM
RE: Yurts information ,free of "personal" stuff - by Guest - 03-24-2008, 02:17 PM
RE: Yurts information ,free of "personal" stuff - by YurtGirl - 03-25-2008, 07:29 AM
RE: Yurts information ,free of "personal" stuff - by Guest - 03-27-2008, 02:56 PM

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