03-27-2008, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Kapohocat
.. I have been EXTREMELY forthcoming in this arena and have freely shared a lot of great information. I'm not sure what some of these issues are that are surfacing, seems not to have to do with yurts at all and why the incessant personal twists?
YurtGirl I feel for you! You have done nothing that those of us who have businessess have not done. You tried to answer questions BECAUSE it is your area of expertise. Ask John Rabi about attacks!
KapohoCat - Goodness! I guess you're right! I haven't had a whole lot of time to explore those threads, but after reading some, Wow... Amazing how many people come out to fight. I hope the sentiment is there when it counts! It's all good, when new info is presented, there is often a lot of resistance to it... Yurts aren't a new idea, but they are new to many of our western cultured paradigms. I've battled that from the beginning of my business, but as Lostboy so aptly reiterates, "they've been around for hundreds of years..." something is right.
Rusty, Right on! Yes, they do fantastic in colder climates, these days we can get the upgrades needed for just about any climate, thankfully. Rainy climates too, they do wonderfully here, even on the rainy side of the Big Island.
Damon, thanks for the info on posting, hopefully we can all be a bit less bumbling for that advice~[

David M, I salute you on your desire to deem credibility. Absolutely. A source isn't a source until you've verified their credentials. I just want people to stop attacking my character for undefined reasons and focus on the topic at hand. My information has been straight forward, and if you ever do meet me, I believe that you will find me to be just as much of a straight forward woman as well, with major respect for my fellow human and other beings.
I hope you all have one helluva day~
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973