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Pressure tank or tankless water system?
I designed my system to supply both of my houses. I have a very large tank. The well, tank, punp and softeners are about 30yrds away. The pipes leaving the system area start out 2" pvc and narrow down closer to the houses. I obviously don't hear a thing. If you want the system closer to the house, make sure the pump isn't on the same slab as or abutting the house slab and have a small wall on the house side of the pump to deflect the noise toward your neighbor's house. Another advantage of a very large pressure tank is when the power goes out. Most times you will get a reasonable amount of water without power until you lose all pressure. If the power happens to go out just before the pump was to go on then your unpowered warter will obviously be reduced. With a good sized tank you should still be good for several flushes and hand washes even in the worst scenario Wink

ps: IMHO the sound is mostly transferred through the air and the mounts. If you put it on the same slab as the house you need rubber mounts. That might even be code. I believe it is in some places. In my locale I know it's code for A.C. units. They must be on their own non-abutting slab or on isolating rubber mounts.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

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RE: Pressure tank or tankless water system? - by oink - 04-03-2008, 01:13 AM

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