04-16-2008, 11:20 AM
I live in HPP... close to the ocean. And I can honestly say that if it wasn't for all the news coverage and talk about the volcano vent spewing large amounts of sulfur and making breathing unbearable...I would have never known. I'm an asmatic and very sensitive to air pollution.
Every once in a long while we may get a hint of the stuff...but it doesn't stay long here where I live. Even with the volcano acting up...we still have some of the freshest air on the planet. And with the winds blowing "predominitely from the east" the people who will really suffer are the ones living on the west side.
Today is a good example of some excellent fresh air blowing on shore.
Every once in a long while we may get a hint of the stuff...but it doesn't stay long here where I live. Even with the volcano acting up...we still have some of the freshest air on the planet. And with the winds blowing "predominitely from the east" the people who will really suffer are the ones living on the west side.
Today is a good example of some excellent fresh air blowing on shore.