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Which vegetables need to be in green house.
I forgot to mention cucumbers, StillHope. There is a mixed record on those. The ordinary varieties seem to get the same disease that the yellow crook-neck squash gets. We have only had luck with hybrid varieties labeled as disease resistant, such as Poinsett 76. DO NOT, however, buy Ferry Morse Poinsett 76 seed marked "2008 Lot G1." Those seed turned out to be mislabeled zucchini. They were great zucchini, mind you, but not what we needed. We have been giving away zucchini to the neighbors.

The problem with tomatoes in most of Puna is the fungal diseases that the rain engenders. The spatter of the rain spreads the fungus from leaf to leaf and leads to the destruction of the plants fruiting potential, and in some case the whole damn thing just dies. Growing under cover eliminates this and also allows optimum moisture and fertilizer levels for good production. We are considering building a small greenhouse.


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RE: Which vegetables need to be in green house. - by JerryCarr - 04-21-2008, 05:55 AM

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