04-30-2008, 05:22 PM
At the last General Membership meeting of the Association, they mentioned 22nd, 16th, and Beach specifically. I don't clearly remember if 10th was on the list, but it would follow the 6-block spacing pattern. They indicated that 28th, being already paved for the most part, was not counted as one of the four. While many thought the ballot initiative indicated that ALL the roads would be paved, the Board voted to proceed even though they could only do about 15% of the subdivision with the $12 million.
I hope they do better with this than their last paving project. I also hope the four roads to be paved do not turn into high-speed motorways for cross-subdivision traffic such as commercial deliveries. The plus of pavement could be offset by the minus of increased traffic and speeding.
I hope they do better with this than their last paving project. I also hope the four roads to be paved do not turn into high-speed motorways for cross-subdivision traffic such as commercial deliveries. The plus of pavement could be offset by the minus of increased traffic and speeding.