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Grading & Grubbing Testimony this Monday, May 19
I think that this old-fashioned idea that 'owning' a piece of property therefore gives one the 'right' to do whatever one wishes with it is a canard.

First of all, every one of us is only a steward of the land. Our lifespans are short, especially in geological terms, and we do not have the right to destroy eons of formation, growth, evolution, etc.

Secondly, if I were to bull-doze my property (and put in a cesspool and/or use well water profusely)I do not only impact my own tiny bit of land, but yours as well--in myriad and possibly not yet understood ways.

I do not have the 'right' to infringe on your 'rights' to clean air, water, viewshed, non-dessimated natural resources, et al.

The so-called American way of looking at these sorts of things is totally skewed and just plain, wrong.

What we have a 'right' to do is to preserve the earth for future generations. We are just passing through here.

We need a new vision--one that is more specific, rigorous and appropriate... especially for the times we find ourselves inhabiting. What we know now makes it immoral to continue in this out-dated view of the world. We have already conquered the West and every other patch of earth. Manifest destiny no longer pertains.

Not every piece of land should be built on.


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RE: Grading & Grubbing Testimony this Monday, May 19 - by aprild - 05-21-2008, 12:18 PM

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