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Grading & Grubbing Testimony this Monday, May 19

What if, as an owner, you realized there was a better way to look at use of your property and you were fully behind the new way of doing things? I believe there is a win-win solution possible for everyone. Things change and we have to accommodate that change in every area of life. We may not get it right the first time--that's what amendments are for, right?

Now, one thing that, especially big developers, will have to relinquish is the right to make a huge profit. They will be able to make a living, but not a killing.

I don't see new attempts to balance environmental needs with individual needs as a threat to individual freedom. What I have noticed is that the larger the population, the more laws and prohibitions. This is the reason for change and the need for better ways of doing things. If the population was still small we wouldn't be threatening to capsize the carrying capacity of the earth and wouldn't need to be so concerned with what individuals were doing to their pieces of property.

Ultimately, is it really a loss of freedom if you are doing the right thing for the environment and future generations?


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RE: Grading & Grubbing Testimony this Monday, May 19 - by aprild - 05-22-2008, 04:26 AM

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