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Grading & Grubbing Testimony this Monday, May 19
To begin, we own the property within the law, which restricts anything we shouldn't do! We don't just do anything!
Clean air: (yep we stopped burning sugar which removed most of the local population, and massively subdivided so we could over populate with white faces) just like the Chineese in Tibet.
But our air is clean!
Viewshed: What do you consider viewshed? Semi mansions lining the highways, I don't think houses should be visible from the road, nor should they exceed 2 stories or 250sf.per resident! But I wouldn't push that on anyone else
Mabe a few developers made a buck, but most just live! But do you also hate movie stars, sports heroes, and that billionair jet setter, Al Gore! I think your a bit jealous!
I realize you have it all figured out, and we'll all fall in line happily when this law sets in!
Incdentally, many of these subdivisions are AG zoned! When are you and your crew going to say who can use what and where! Mabe a functional farm should be a prerequesite for a building permit! And those existing on ag land have 5 years to get a farm up or it gets condemed!
Gordon J Tilley

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RE: Grading & Grubbing Testimony this Monday, May 19 - by gtill - 05-22-2008, 08:40 AM

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