05-22-2008, 01:11 PM
There's absolutey no way the spread of albesia or miconia or guava is going to be halted unless we develope a profit-orientated industry which requires these species for production. Anyone who doubts that statement just take a drive to the end of the road opposite the steam vents on 130 when the gate is open.From there you can look down into Seaview and toward Black Sands Subdivision and up into the Wa Keli. We've been invaded by various species of 'Super Weeds' and that's it. The albesia in particular is rapidly becomming the climatic botanical on this island due to it's nitrogen-fixing capability and airborn seed vectoring potential which translates into an ultra-fast growth rate (of a very large tree) coupled with extremely rapid spread rate. It really is the Borg of plants at least for this island and we're going to have to find a way to make a profit off the albesia or it's going to take over and in time there won't be any native species to speak of.