06-30-2008, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Dave M
OK, before you ladies all get your hopes up.. The only one of these little jewels I've seen was on Moloka'i. I'm sure Damon can tell you if there's one around Esat Hawaii..
Sorry Ladies to interrupt your tea party here. Just wanted to respond to Dave.
Sorry, I don't really know of any on the Big Island, however, I have briefly heard of these Birthing stones and I appreciate you posting the link to them so that I could learn more about them.
What I do know, is that kids born here in Hawaii tend to have extremely long names [:o)]
I just counted the amount of letters in my son's full name... 38!
My grandfather delivered MANY Hawaiian Babies in the Sixties. It's a trip when I run into someone that was delivered by my grandfather here in Hawaii.
Medicine In Hawaii was really lacking up until Hawaii became a state and Doctors were commissioned to come to Hawaii.
It is the way... the way it is.